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Student Champion Award

The Student Champion Award is the most prestigious student award conferred by The National HEPCAMP Association. Each year at the Annual Conference one (1) student from a HEP or CAMP project receives this award for demonstrating outstanding dedication and performance.

HEP Student Champion

Joel Pelayo was born in Jalisco and came to the U.S. in 1983, at the age of 15.  Since then, he has always lived in the Fort Hall area of Idaho.  At 15, his first job was moving irrigation pipe.  He is in his fifties now and still works in agricultural jobs.  Joel has been married twice and is a beloved father.  He finished his GED in March 2023 and proudly walked in the HEP graduation ceremony in June, with his family in attendance.  It took him three years to graduate.  Although the process was often difficult, he persisted with HEP because he wanted to accomplish what he was unable to do in Mexico and prove to himself that he could do it.  When he is not working, Joel enjoys fishing, camping, and traveling to new places.  He hopes to transition to electrical work in the future.

Joel Pelayo ISU HEP (8)_edited.jpg

CAMP Student Champion

I am studying Aviation and Aerospace Science with a concentration in becoming a professional flight officer. I am currently working towards my private pilot license and love every second of it. My goal is to get a degree so I can become part of the small percentage of female pilots and hopefully inspire more girls to join the field. My favorite memories this year are the trips we got to take and celebrating valentines day with the CAMP scholars and mentors. My favorite memory of flying was getting to experience watching sunsets from a plane. CAMP has been so supportive and motivating and I would not have been able to be so successful without this program. One day my goal is to walk down an airport and show little girls that a woman can be and deserves to be in the cockpit.

2024 Call for Nominations

The National HEPCAMP Association is calling for nominations of students to be recognized for their stories of dedication and performance. 

2023 - HEPCAMP Student Champion Award Flyer image-2.png

CFP - Student Champion Award

Eligibility Criteria


Students must have been enrolled in a HEP or CAMP project during the 2023-2024 fiscal year (07/01, 2023 - 06/30/2024.


Students with documented achievements who have overcome personal and/or academic obstacles, or have demonstrated leadership qualities within their HEP or CAMP project.


Submit online nomination by Monday, August 19, 2024.

Other Important Info

Nomination Requirements


  1. The student's full name, photo and brief biography must accompany the nomination.

  2. A statement describing the reason for the nomination, addressing how the nominee fits the eligibility criteria listed above (200-400 words).



  1. The Committee will award one (1) HEP and one (1) CAMP Student Champion.

  2. Winners will be tentatively announced by August 30, 2024.

  3. Winners will be recognized at the 2024 National HEPCAMP Conference with their names, picture, and biography included in the conference program.

  4. The Association will provide the winner with a $1000 scholarship/stipend.

  5. If a nominee is selected as a winner for the HEPCAMP Champion Award and is unable to attend the conference, the student should plan on recording a 2-3 minute video to be played at the conference.

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