Tuesday 7/23: Today I graduated from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute... from the first day I arrived I was nervous on how I would fit in but as time went on it's been a privilege to have met 29 other amazing individuals. We all started with the same nerves and now we're all amazing friends who have had the opportunity of learning from each other. The diversity found within this program is amazing because I was able to not only express who I am but also learn about the different cultures of others. This internship has been amazing and that's partially due to having had the opportunity to hang around with such like minded individuals who all bring something great to the table. Cristian, our project manager, has made is possible for us to feel empowered, knowledgeable, and the next generation of Latino leaders. It's important that I thank Patrick and Virginia for allowing me and the 5 other HEP/CAMP interns to experience what it's like working "on the Hill" through stories from fellow CHCI members. Although I don't personally work on the Hill but for the UFW a non-profit union I've had the pleasure of learning what it's like to work in an office, answering constituent phone calls, and attending briefings/hearings. Being a part of CHCI has been great and today I am now a CHCI alumni...
Pt.2 The view outside...
Wednesday 7/24:

Today I had the chance of meeting Rep. Cardenas who represented the 29th district of California. As a Californian myself I was eager to get to know him and ask him how his transition was when he first stepped into office. I asked him "as an individual who also isn't a political science major what advice can you give me on how I can succeed in politics even without majoring in it". He replied, "I'm an engineering major but all you have to do is want to change the things around you. With that said, your perspective brings something else to the table and as long as you stay humble you can be whatever you want". Meeting Rep. Tony Cardenas was an inspiring moment as I once felt like I wouldn't fit in because I had no political background but after seeing Latinos like him in Congress I am now certain that my background is my strongest asset. I bring health and agriculture experience and that is powerful.
After listening to his amazing presentation I was able to present myself personally and thank him for all he's done. In the midst of having a conversation about his support on the bill I've been lobbying for for the past 9 weeks, I mentioned to him if we could take a picture and he actually gave me some words of advice. I asked him if he could say hi to my mom as I know she'd be happy to see that I'm meeting such influential individuals like Rep. Cardenas and he agreed... these words were addressed towards me but I express them to everyone who feels like they can't or won't make it. As a Latina I aspire to become someone someday and I hope you know that you are powerful and can too!
Thursday 7/25:
Today I had the opportunity of being a chaperone for 6 high school students who came to DC through CHCI within their Next Gen Program. This program allows for high school juniors and seniors to come to DC for a week and obtain a "Capitol Hill" experience. They attend webinars, workshops, and today they were able to visit Rep. Juan Vargas, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, and Rep. Tony Cardenas. These three representatives all represent a district in California and all have such amazing backgrounds that make them powerful in areas like politics. A part from being able to lead this group of high school students I had the opportunity to learn more about Rep. Vargas and Rep. Cardenas and their journey from living and growing up in California to now representing the state at a federal level. Everyday is amazing here in DC but today I had the privilege of meeting two instrumental figures who have devoted part of their lives to helping communities like the ones they lived in.
Saturday 7/27:
Today I woke up at 4am and headed over to one of the warehouses owned by the Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Washington who is an organization that provides meals to churches, other organizations, and communities. As a CHCI intern we are required to complete 6 hours of community service in order to graduate and so today I chose to complete three of them at this warehouse. My task was to make sure that items were accurately counted and loaded onto a pulley that would later be distributed to local churches for further distribution in the community.
Pt. 2 After volunteering this morning I also took the opportunity to visit the zoo. I would say that the zoo was fun however it was a lot of walking!! I saw elephants, tigers, sea lions and although they don't have pandas, I would've wanted to see them too. After walking for about three hours Bryan, Joan and I left... Overall this was a fulfilling experience.