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Maria Flores Marquez

Hometown: Yuma, Arizona

Institute: Arizona State University

Major: Criminology and Criminal Justice

Placement: The Office of Rep. Raúl Grijalva

All About Maria

Maria was born in Phoenix, Arizona, and raised in San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico. Maria’s family resides in San Luis Rio, Colorado, but they are originally from Sinaloa, Mexico. Maria is the first in her family to receive her high school diploma and pursue post-secondary education. She is currently a sophomore at Arizona State University, majoring in Criminology and Criminal Justice. She is involved in the Academy of Excellence program run by ASU's Honors College and is a CAMP and TRiO Scholar.


Following the completion of her bachelor's degree, she plans to continue her education and obtain her master's degree. Her career aspirations are to work in a profession as an immigration attorney or a high-ranking official in the criminal justice system where she can help people with the judicial system.


As a HEP/CAMP Intern, Maria is looking forward to gaining more insight into the legislative process and collaborating with other professionals. She intends to use this experience to raise awareness about issues impacting the community while motivating others to engage within their communities and bring about the change that must occur.

Click images to read Maria's journals.

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